Virginia Snake Exclusion: The Best Way to Keep Snakes Away
If you have one Snake it is best to ignore it as it will go away on its own, however if you get snakes regularly then you should start looking for ways to keep them off your property.
The most effective way to make sure that the snakes stay out here in Virginia is to remove their food source. Snakes tend to be more afraid of us humans than we are of them, so they do not want to stay near your home without a valid reason. This reason is almost always due to them smelling food near your home which can be bugs, frogs, birds, and rodents to name a few. This means that if you have snakes around your home that means you have prey near your home. Remove the prey, the snakes will not be interested in your home.
We at Virginia Snake Removal not only remove snakes but also deal with pest control as well. If you have a snake and pest problem call us at (540) 388-4038. We offer a free inspection and can list the issues that can plague your home with snakes.
Easy Ways for Virginia Snake Exclusion
Excluding snakes also means excluding the prey, as it is currently illegal to kill and/or poison snakes in Virginia unless you are in immediate danger. This means that the only way to exclude snakes is to remove their food source. There are currently three simple ways you can make your home unappealing to snakes and prey.
Cut Tall Grass and Mow Regularly
Snakes and especially mice and other prey animals love tall grass as it gives them a place to roam and hide around your yard without being seen. We recommend cutting your yard every one to two weeks to make them scared to cross your yard without being seen. However, when you do, do not put it into a pile as large piles of compost can attract rats which leads to the next point.
Remove Debris From Your Yard
Removing places where snakes and rodents can hide does not only include grass. But also tree branches, bricks, underbrush, rock piles, woodpiles, and leaf piles, especially if they are located against your home. If you live in a forested area, it might be a good idea to trim or remove some trees near high-traffic areas. Debris can also mean man-made items as well, we receive numerous calls about snakes under wheelbarrows here in Virginia.
Remove Sources of Food for Prey Animals
Many of us love bird and squirrel watching, but snakes do too. Birds are rather messy eaters and the area under most bird feeders is littered with material like seeds and nuts that rodents love to eat as well. Unless your feeder is spill-proof or squirrel proof, then sadly your feeder will also attract animals that attract snakes. Unless you are willing to clean up after them regularly and dispose of the spilled seeds then the feeder might have to go if you have a large snake problem.
Snakes Getting Into Your Home
If snakes are getting into your home then this is a large issue. If snakes are in your home, so are the rodents. And getting them out is another hassle. What we do here at Virginia Snake Removal is check for any access points, and then we seal them with construction-grade materials. We will also check the roof for any branches that lead to the roof and any holes or access points. If you are still having a snake issue, do not hesitate to call us at (540) 388-4038. Our inspections are free, and we will walk you through steps on how to keep snakes away from your home for good. We at Virginia Snake Removal are experts in all Snake Exclusions and Trapping in Virginia, in all locations, including in the home, yard, forest, and swamp.
Do Not Use These Snake Exclusion Methods:
How We Repel Snakes
Here at Virginia Snake Removal, we have a few ways to make sure the snakes stay away.
First as listed above we will talk about the problem areas around your property such as tall grass, debris, and snake entry points into your home. Then we will layout our snake traps and bait stations. Once that is done, we have a scent that isn’t sulfur or naphthene-based, that will repel snakes and spread it around the perimeter of your home. The smell is not unpleasant and has a spicy smell to it. If you can smell it then snakes can easily smell it.
Call us for our Virginia Snake Exclusion program today at (540)-388-4038