1. Clear animals and young children from the area. Regardless of whether or not the snake is a present risk, you’ll want to make sure to reduce any and all potential dangers.
  2. Resist the urge to attack the snake with a broom or stick. A snake won’t attack you unless it feels threatened by you. All snakes, venomous or otherwise, will not pursue a human being unless provoked
  3. Keep a safe distance from the snake, but keep an eye on where it’s located.
  4. Try to determine whether or not it is venomous. Qualities of venomous snakes are fat bodies, large fangs, and slit-like eyes. You’ll also want to keep your eyes out for the iconic rattling tail.
  5. Call your local wildlife removal or snake removal specialist for help!
  6. Prevent further risks of snakes entering your home by have snake exclusions performed on your home